My family has been going to Glenwood as long as I can remember and we've brought cousins from Chicago to Glenwood along with my dad's aunts and uncles!
When my husband and I were still dating we took our first real day trip and I dragged him straight to Glenwood of course!!! It's our favorite even in our worst years of not getting away we always get up to Glenwood for a day! We did hanging lake and then a day of soaking as our honeymoon! We had been married just short of a year when I got into a really bad car accident.
It took over a year of physical therapy and surgeries to fix it all. We had planned to visit for our anniversary and even though we ended up missing the overnight stay part we made it to the hot spring. We soaked all of day! And despite feeling like crap on the ride up soaking was probably the best thing I could have done for my whiplashed body. I could barely move when we arrived because my muscles were so sore.
By the time we left I was able to walk without every step shooting pain through my entire body, our walk across the bridge to Grind was not so horrible!
Rebecca Kellner-L. - Littleton, CO